Tuesday, February 17, 2009

There is a New Transformer In Town: Hunger Maximus

Today marked day 1 of the PSMF.
My hunger throughout the day was pretty strong, and I definitely felt that I was going to cave more than a few (meaning 12) times. The motivation of my upcoming trip to Prague, and more prominently, my shirtless wedding, prompted me to stay the course and remain on track. As the 1st day is usually the toughest when starting new eating plans, I am confident that this pattern of eating will become easier over the days ahead. In addition, as this plan has a definite stop date (at the inception of my bp trip) in 3 weeks, the path is more treadable as the light at the end of the tunnel is present, albeit very far away. In advance, excuse my poor grammer as the keyboard is looking tasty and my hunger is overtaking me. I apologize to Anusha in advance in case she can't reach me due to my ingestion of my cell phone.

I did not violate any of the critical tenets of my PSMF plan, although I will be subsituting egg whites for chicken this week as a last minute change as I: (1) Did not prepare my chicken breasts last night as planned & (2) I have several containers of Egg Whites which will spoil if not used by week end. As a result, my protein will be slightly lower than target through Friday, and my calories will be slightly higher. These are modest changes, and in my opinion, should not alter my ultimate fat loss results. Today however, to get things started and maintain utmost simplicty & compliance, I had 3 Whey protein shakes (vs the targeted 2/daily) and only 1 solid meal (if you could even call it that!) . The only deviation I made (by accident) was the lack of inclusion of my daily multi-vitamin, as I forgot to take it before leaving work today.


600AM- Whey Protein Shake w/2 Hydroxycut (Calories = 240, Carbs = 4g)
1000AM- 1 Cup Black Coffee w/2 Hydroxycut
100PM- Whey Shake w/2 Hydroxycut & 1 Tblspn Udo's Choice (Calories = 360, Carbs = 4g)
530PM- 1 Can Tuna (Calories = 150, Carbs = 0g)
800PM- Whey Protein Shake w/1 Cup Broccoli (steamed) (Calories = 270, Carbs = 8g)

Calories/Carbs/Protein: 1,020/16g/157g

I was over my calories for the day by about 100-150. My carb value was about perfect, and my protein intake was about 25g lower than my target. Tomorrow is another day, and it shall be a better day. Hunger Maximus will be transforming into Lean-a-sor, and finally into Bengali Prime, come April.

1 comment:

  1. idiot... don't break your diet, no matter what!!!

    whey is good, try tossing in some cinnamon, lowers blood sugar and ups insulin sensitivity a lot

    are you still using your BCAAs? Berardi likes those a lot for cutting cycles
