Thursday, February 19, 2009

PSMF Day 3

AM Weigh-In = 209.5 lbs

Today's weigh-in relays a success. I have broken through the 210 lb resistance barrier. As to be expected, I have certain weight placeholders on my mental body recomp journey that I have associated with a strong feeling of success. Not ironically, they are at each 10 lb marker from 180lbs to all the levels of fatness I have acheived through carefully non-controlled fast food binges thoughout the years. In all seriousness, 210 lbs represents the 1st true resistance barrier from when I broke through many years ago, that caused a cascade into truly abhorrent eating habits and mindless weight gain, culminating into my heaviest weight of 242.5 lbs back in 2006.

As I hope to acheive 190.0 lbs (could be adjusted to 180-185 lbs depending on my body's reaction to my transformational catalysts), I look forward to sharing what each of these breakpoints mean, but only after I acheive them!

Despite the early am success of the scale reading, today was very difficult due to simple fatigue. Last night, due to a combination of too much Hydroxycut (I should have worked up to the normal dose) and late afternoon coffee, I did not fall asleep until after 2am. Waking up at 6am put me at a severe disadvantage, as it is when we are fatigued that we start to grow weary of our developing habits. I was hungry throughout the day, but did remain strong on my PSMF eating plan. I was having some stomach pain through the day (due to massive ingestion of coffee/espresso), so modded my plan a bit today to counteract the feeling. I realized that I had some Trader Joes "Just Chicken"(basically pre-cooked chicken breast) in my work fridge that I forgot about (which is ironic, as I never forget about food).

600AM- Whey Protein Shake w/2 Hydroxycut
900AM- 1 Large Cafe Americano (Water w/3 Shots Espresso = 0 Calories)
1000AM- 2 Hydroxycut
100PM- 7.5 oz "Just Chicken"
600PM- 7.5 oz "Just Chicken" + 1 Multi-Vitamin + 1 Tablespoon Udo's Choice

Calories/Carbs/Protein: 910g/5g/150g

In summary, my protein numbers are lacking, and I am hoping to compensate over the next few days by upping the daily grams to about 180 per day. In my opinion, the addition of more protein is a worthy modification despite the collateral effect of higher calories, as it should help to minimize the utlization of LBM for energy substrates during this hypo-caloric period.

1 comment:

  1. damn, that looks painful!

    this is what I ate today at the end of the day

    1/2 marin sun farms ground beef with organic spices (raw)
    prime ribeye - seared rare, topped with organic lard
    1 big tbs super plasma with 1/4 tsp organic cinnamon
