Sunday, January 25, 2009

Sugar Free Sudip

Monday, January 26th marks the initialization of the Dip Dawg's Zero Tolerance Protocol. This is a modified version of a highly effective eating plan by a well known physician/personal trainer. My only modifications include: 1. The temporary exclusion of a thermogenic (i.e. ECA Stack) 2. The lack of fish oil supplementation. In lieu of the FOS, I will be using Udo's Choice.

A Typical Zero Tolerance Eating Day:

Caloric Range = 1,800 - 2,200
  • 3 zero carb meals (no meal replacements). In actuality, no meals will be truly zero carb as I will have veggies with some of my meals. The intent of this program is keep carbs as low as humanly possible. In reality, I will have about 10-15 gram of carbohydrates per day, the most of which will come from non-starchy vegetables and my daily whey protein shake.
  • 2 Servings of BCAA's between meals- The BCAA's are utilized primarily to stave off muscle catbolism with a hypocaloric diet, and promote greater fat loss.
  • 1 Serving of BCAA's before/during weight training and cardio workouts. The BCAA I am using is a very popular, well-reputed product called ICE by Xtreme Formulations. The product link:
  • 2 Tablespoons of Udo's Choice
  • 1 Whey protein shake per day. This is simply to augment my protein intake, so that I am taking in about 200g of protein daily.

There will of course, be some deviations from the plan, of which I will post, due to "life". For example, I will be eating dinner with my family this upcoming Friday to celebrate my dad's birthday, and will certainly be enjoying myself. I will however, attempt to remove alcohol from my celebrations as liquor is very detrimental to fat loss, and the set-backs are simply not worth the temporary indulgence, at least for now. In addition, I will also schedule periodic carb up meals to refill my glycogen stores to prevent catabolism, upregulate my T3 levels, and keep my fat loss progress flowing.

In regards to my training, I will be changing my routine this week to incorporate more whole body exercises, HIIT training, along with a few steady state cardio sessions per week as well.

Friday, 1/30/09 Weight Goal = 212.5 lbs

Stay tuned, and stay ripped...

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