Sunday, May 29, 2011

Trailing Even With 3X

Meal 1 @ 1000AM- 6 SB Eggs (Calories = 420, Pro = 40g)
Meal 2 @ 100PM- Nonfat Cottage Cheese with Strawberries (Calories = 380, P = 56g)
Meal 3 @ 800PM- 1 TJ Rib-Eye Steak (Calories = 1,000, P = 60g)
Meal 3 @ 1000PM- PWO (Post Workout) Protein Shake (Calories = 300, P = 40g)
Total Calories = 2,100

Training Session #1 (Chest)
I was weaker than last Sunday's training session, but also did 4x traing for 2 exercises after my primary. I call it 3x because
my chest was failing so miserably after my 2nd exercise, that I stoppped after my 3rd set. My fatigue was even more noticeably present when I tried pressing on the Hammer Strength Incline with a weight that I can normally knock 10 reps out on and I could barely do even 2 reps!
Smith Machine Bench Press
135*8, 185*5, 205*3, 215*2
Flat Dumbbell Press (3x)
60*10, 60*9, 60*6
HS (Hammer-Strenght) Incline Press
180 * 2
Pec Dec (4x, started at 80 lbs, but increased to 110 lbs as this was too light)
80*10, followed by 3 sets at 110*10

Training Session #2 (Shoulders/Triceps)
Although I was consider 4x type training for this workout, I utilized heavier sets and longer rest times, except for my 2nd exercise on shoulders. I did only 2 exercises for each of the bodyparts.
Shoulder Press (Free Weight Bar)
135*5, 135*5, 145*5, 155*2 (To Failure)
Lateral Row (Bent Armed, 4x style)
4 Sets of 20*10
Close Grip Bench Press
3 Sets of 135*8
Hammer Strength Dip Machine
180*10, 270*5, 270*5
Overall, a great day with regards to both training and nutrition.

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