Thursday, May 26, 2011

MBA Class Weekend Survival

Morning Weigh-In = 216.2 lbs
Yesterdays Food Log:
Meal 1 @ 10am - 4 SB Eggs + 2 Chicken Patties (Calorie - 600, Protein = 76 grams)
Meal 2 @ 3pm- Fast & Easy Beef Fajita w/Veggies (Calories - 500, Protein = 60 grams)
Meal 3 @ 7pm- 1 10oz Trader Joes Rib Eye Steak (Calories - 1o00, Protein = 65 grams)
Meal 4 @ 1230am (Post Workout)- 2 Scoops Muscle Meals Protein Powder (Calories - 300, Protein = 30 grams)
Total Calories = 2,400 (Protein = 231 grams)

As yesterday was a training day, I upped my calories a bit from the traditional 1800 - 2000 range.
I did a late night workout- Although I originally was going to train back & biceps, I decided to do only biceps as I was exhausted upon arrival (1130pm) and my back was still quite sore from last Sunday's workout.
I trained POF style- I did 2 excercises via the POF method (4 sets, with 30 seconds rest between each, using the same weight for 10 reps, with last set going to failure- Increase weight when all 4 sets can be done for 4 reps). After 8 POF sets, I did 3 random sets for what I was feeling at the moment. Overall, a great biceps workout.

Alternate Sitting Dumbell Curl:
30*10, 30*10, 30*10, 30*6
Preacher Curl (Plate Loaded Machine):
45*10, 45*10, 45*10, 45*10
2 Sets of Standing EZ Bar Curl:
60*8, 75*6
Final Set of Alternating Incline Dumbbell Curl:
The next few days will require me to be at UCLA for my MBA class weekend. I may sneak in a training session this morning before I go, but I will not have access to a scale again until Sunday morning. I will attempt to update my blog on Friday and Saturday mornings while I'm there.

My good Asian Amigo Jon Leong has been gracious enough to upload some photos to his site. I will use photos as an additional motivator/metric/progress tracker along the journey. As you can see, the current shots involve me in various shirted poses- I felt it unneccessary for you to need to visit your friendly neighborhood Opthamologist this weekend to save your eyesite, saving the sans shirted shots for another time.

The link to the parent directory-

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