Friday, February 11, 2011



  1. Ok, so perhaps not old yet, but well on my way!
    As I have continuously strived to post, but have failed to do so, I will not make any grandiose (relatively speaking) claims as to massive weight reductions (at least in a certain time period) or frequency of updates. WHAT I will say however, is that I will strive to make regular postings (i.e. 2-3 times per week, if not more) and stay on course to obtain my goal by year-end 2011. I do not scoff at your doubts, however it shall make my victory that much sweeter (no pun intended).

    Current Weight/Measurements (February 11th, 2011):
    Weight = 217.0 lbs
    Shoulders = 49”
    Left Arm = 16”, Right Arm = 15” (Flexed)
    Waist = 39” (Measured At Stomach, right above navel- I wear a 34” jeans)
    AI (Shoulder/Waist Ratio) = 1.25

    Goal Weight/Measurements (By October 31st, 2011)
    Weight = 185.00 lbs
    Shoulders = 50”
    Left Arm = 16½”, Right Arm = 16½” (Flexed)
    Waist = 32” (Measured At Stomach, right above navel- Striving for 32” jeans)
    AI (Shoulder/Waist Ratio) = 1.57

    Simply put, I would like to lose about 32 pounds of net bodyweight, assuming more of that will be fat loss as I am striving to gain a marginal amount of muscle, and increase strength throughout my transformation. My goal date is 10/31 as I want to have the build to be the 1st ever Hindu Blade, and being a tub of lard simply makes that costume ridiculous. At 36 weeks, I need to lose about .9 lbs a week, which is attainable, as long as I stay on course (simply, but not easy). My A.I. ratio is simply a fitness metric- a ratio of 1.6 is considered “optimal” for fitness aesthetics. In addition, I have always had a goal to get 17” arms- I will be happy to reach 16½” during effectively a cutting cycle.

    I will be tracking my calories religiously, striving for a daily average 2,000 calories per day, and 200 effective grams of protein.
    I will record my strength progress and exercises for each workout as well.

    Stay tuned for Bengali Prime to be realigned…

  2. good plan
    but I would say daily posting is required, otherwise you are going to have the same above blog post on your 35th birthday

    good luck - try a pulse feast

    2 servings chained out and 10 humapro as breakfast and lunch, then a 1500 calorie dinner - fat will come off faster
