Saturday, July 30, 2011

Assess The Dip Dawg

Morning Weigh In = 214.0 lbs
This past weekend, I took the liberty of taking some measurements and photos.
Photo Links:
Neck = 16"
Chest = 44"
Shoulders = 52"
Waist = 37.75"
Right Arm = 16"
Right Upper Leg = 24.5"
Right Calf = 16"

As compared to my measurements in late May (60 days ago approximately), I have only decreased a 1/4" at the waist. This is not surprising, as the waist measurement is often the last to decrease significantly with changes of body composition. My ultimate waist goal (as measured at the navel) is 33" or less, which would make wearing 32" Jeans a cinch (pun intended). My other measurement deltas were more signficant.
Neck: .5" decrease
Chest: 1.5" decrease (I tend to hold a lot of fat there currently, so this is a favorable change)
Shoulders: 3" increase (My shoulders tend to respond very well to weight training)
Arm:16" (Decrease in .125")
Upper Leg: 24.5" (Decrease in .5")
Calf: 16" (New Measurement)

Although I lost some size in my arms and upper leg, I'm not too concerned as I haven't trained legs (am starting to incorporate regular leg training from this week), and my arms are stronger than they were. As far as the scale measurement, I'm down a few pounds, but believe that I may have lost more fat than a scale would indicate as I feel that I may have put on a few lbs of muscle, evidenced by my steadily increasing strength. Time to take it up a notch- IT'S GO TIME!

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