Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day, The Last Day of Gluttonous Receiving

Merry Christmas & Salutations,

I bow to my large glass of Glen Livet Scotch & bowl of cashews, as this will be the last large indulgence I treat myself with for a while.

Ladies & Gentleman, in the spirit of Optimus Prime, I boldly declare- "The muscles will rise, but the weight will fall..." I digress with the single malted scotch in hand and tremor from the spate of recent nightmares tied to impending nupitals... Why? Because of the shirtless wedding that will have to be observed by 400+ guests as opposed to the plethora of other reasons that normally beseige the nervous groom. The buffet of animal fat is supposed to be from the caterers, not the groom.

Pictures, goals, methodology to follow early in the New Year. Now off to another glass of scotch and Cosmo Kramer crackers, ooohhhh....

1 comment:

  1. Hey Dipper good luck... I noticed you haven't added any updates

    you can link to my blog as well
