Saturday, February 21, 2009

PSMF-Style Refeed

Happy Saturday!
Today marks my 1st weekend with my PSMF style eating plan, and it will certainly be a challenge. Donuts, beers, pizza, and the other glorious items that I used to consume with reckless abandon are off limits until Prague. I'm sure that during the time I am in the Czech Republic, the worries of thier local economy will be long forgetten as there is a massive surge to their GDP from daily consumption of baked goods.

I had pondered a modification to the PSMF when I started, which I then abandoned. After further reexamination, I am now implementing this mod. In quick summary, I will be having a 1 day "refeed" today, and next Saturday of the 28th to reset leptin levels, and optimize my metabolic efficiency. As before, I ask you to follow my progress and withhold judgement, as I have done a fair amount of research on these topics, albeit without much of the corresponding action one might expect. In essence, I will simply up my calories for about 24 hours on each of these days (in regards to today, from 8am today to 10am tomorrow), however will keep my macronutrient ratios similar. In other words, my diet will still be clean, yet the food intake will simply be bit higher in the range of 2,000-2500 extra calories during each refeed. My carbs will be near zero, protein will be high, and EFA's will still be incorporated.

As stated previously, I will have my morning weigh-ins resume by Tuesday, and I am confident that I should be at 200.0 lbs or below by the time I board my plane to Prague. As consequence, I hope they refund me back some of my airfare as they charged me double the ticket price due to "aisle space restrictions." What's up with that dawg?


700AM- 8 Eggs whites + 2 Whole Eggs + 3 pp bacon w/Multivitamin + 2 Hydroxycut
800AM- 2 cups black coffee w/2 ounces of Half & Half
1200PM- 1 Large Chicken Leg w/Thigh (Whole Foods- Spice Marinade, no extra sugar)
300PM- Whey Protein Shake + 2 Hydroxycut
500PM- 1/2 Whey Protein Shake (Post Workout) + 1/2 can tuna
600PM- 1 Large Chicken Leg w/Thigh (Same as before)

Calories/Carbs/Protein: 2000/15g/210g

Calories were approximately 1,000 greater than a PSMF day, and I am aiming to be at about 1,500 total calories for tomorrow. The overall calorie excess (as per PSMF protocol) will be about 1,500-2,000 calories, depending on which range one strives for. I believe due to my higher body mass, that 1,000 is a better threshold, an updated view from when I first started.

Training @ 300pm:

Flat Dumbell Press: 55*10, 60*8, 70*6, 80*3
Incline Dumbell Press: 50*10, 55*8, 65*6
Military Press (Dumbells): 40*10, 45*10, 50*10
Lateral Raise (Dumbells): 3 sets of 10 w/15 lbs

1 comment:

  1. Nice to see weight training in the latest post.

    So no barbell training, only dumbbells?
