Friday, February 27, 2009

Dropping the 2 Liter

Morning Weigh-In = 205.0 lbs

Over the last week, I’ve dropped about 4 lbs, which is the roughly the volume of a 2 liter bottle of 7-UP. Conceptualizing the loss with this visual tool is a strong motivator to keep strong, especially as cravings are often intense during the day.

For the upcoming weekend, I’m staying off the formulaic PSMF eating style, and will concentrate on 3 parameters: (1) Staying LC at under 30g per day (2) Keeping my daily calories at a range of 1,500-1,800 & (3) Training at the gym both Saturday & Sunday

My goal for next Friday, March 6th, is to be at 202.0 lbs or under, and pull the remaining 2 lbs off to hit my target weight by the following Tuesday’s weigh-in. I will not record my food log during this weekend unless I break my rules, but will report my training stats.

Have a great weekend.

Bengali Prime

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Waist Wonders

Thursday, February 26th, 2009

Morning Weigh-In = 206.5 lbs
6.5lbs to go until I hit the next resistance level! I had a great morning as I went down to my second to last belt notch with my current belt, taking me down about 2 inches in the last 7 weeks or so. My goal is to hit my final (7th) notch by March 10th, and then go shopping for some new clothes in early April! I am at about a 35 inch waist, and am hoping to be down to near or at my "early college days" waist of 32 (inches, not feet) by Judgement Day.

630am- Whey Protein Shake w/2 Hydroxcut
1000am- 1 Cafe Americano
100pm- 2 Chicken Breasts w/2 Hydroxycut
500pm- 2 Chicken Breasts
830pm- 2 Chicken Breasts
Calories/Carbs/Protein: 910/22/165g

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Another Day on the Hunger Train

Wednesday, February 25th

No Weigh-In

600am- Met-Rx + 1 Cup Coffee w/1 oz. half & half
1000am- 2 Hydroxcut
100pm- 4 servings fat free cottage cheese
400pm- Whey Protein Shake w/multi-vitamin
700pm- 2 Chicken Breasts w/1 Tblspn Udo's Choice + 10 Almonds

Calories/Carbs/Protein: 1250/53g/180g

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

UFC (Ultimate Fighting Calcuttan) Light Heavyweight Weigh-In

Morning Weigh-In = 207.5 lbs

700am- Whey Protein Shake + 2 Hydroxycut
1100am- 2 Hydroxycut
100pm- 2 Chicken Breasts
700pm- 2 Chicken Breasts + 1 Tablespoon Udo's Choice

I was under the weather today, running a slight fever and feeling very weak. Thus, I did not get in the resistance training session that I had intended to, and will hit the gym on Thursday instead (3 day/week protocol). I will likely follow that with another resistance training session on Saturday, and a high intensity cardio session on Sunday to initiate an aggressive GH response.

Calories/Carbs/Protein: 810/17g(The CB are lightly seasoned)/130g

Monday, February 23, 2009

Kornered by the Kit Kat

The PSMF resumed today, albeit with many hunger pangs from my rapid reacclimation to a somewhat normal caloric eating plan this past weekend. I went light on the thermogenics because of this, and drank plenty of H20 to stay hydrated and moderate cravings.
In addition, around 1100am or so, my supervisor gave me a JUMBO Kit Kat bar. For those uninformed (my bro-skee Jay will not be lacking this information, or perhaps anyone else who has seen my giant gut), the Kit Kat is my favorite candy bar. It is utterly delicious and so satisfying that I would actually skip watching a Hulk trailer if offered one...before that is. I accepted the gift graciously, and placed it in the upstairs fridge for safe storage. I will enjoy this delicious treat AFTER my wedding as a gift to myself and my rapidly decline waistline (hopefully).
600am- Whey Protein Shake w/2 Hydroxycut
1000am- Whey Protein Shake
100pm- 1 Can Salmon (Trader Joes)
600pm- 2 Chicken Breasts w/1 Multi-Vitamin + 1 Scoop Whey Protein
As a result of having a can of salmon, I did not take my usual daily tablespoon of Udo's choice because I did receive the requisite amount of EFA's.

Calories/Carbs/Protein: 1,170/11g/193g

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Lord of the Meals

Last night, after posting my daily meals, I didn't realize that I wasn't finished. I attended a short birthday celebration at BJ's Brewhouse in Newark, and was forced to have a meal as a part of the celebrations. I understand that this is the polite and correct thing to do, and thus had a small crouton-free ceasar salad with a side of blackened chicken breast. I subsequently headed to San Francisco for an evening at the Bubble Lounge, and treated myself to 2 diet cokes. Overall, I am very proud of my resolve, as the temptation of the prized BJ pizookie & pepperoni pizza were difficult to resist. Another conclusion I realized during this transformation is that it is very difficult to stay on course, even if one's resolve is intact! For example, in the course of proper etiquette and consideration for my friend, I had to eat at least something. Although I was "clean," I went over my caloric target.

Saturday's Updated Ratios of Calories/Carbs/Protein: 2,400/18g/240g
This morning, I had breakfast with a school colleague, and a mirror image of yesterday occured. This breakfast was planned in advance, and as such, did not feel that it would be proper to cancel. We had BF at a local cafe called Katey's corner in San Ramon, and I had a nice low carb breakfast of 3 over-easy eggs with a 8 oz. piece of medium cooked prime rib. I washed it all down with black coffee w/a bit of half & half. Again, as yesterday, I had deviated from plan.

The Conclusion? Except for next Saturday's clean refeed, I will take a que from Mr. Tolkien and live like a hobbit. I will abstain from any social meals, gatherings, or functions which could take me off track. It is pure PSMF tomorrow through Friday, and next Sunday through Saturday night of the 7th.

900am- 3 Eggs with 8 oz. Prime Rib & Coffee w/H&H (Calories = 900, Pro = 60g, CHO = 4g)
1200pm- 2 Chicken Breasts (Calories = 220, Pro = 42g, CHO = 6g)
330pm- 2 Turkey Burger Patties w/1 Multi-Vitamin (Calories = 380, Protein = 62g, CHO = 0g)
730pm- 1 Chicken Leg + Whey Protein Shake (Calories = 650, Protein = 80g, CHO = 4g)

Calories/Carbs/Protein: 2,150/14g/244g

Cardio: 30 Minutes Elliptical = 400 Calories Expended

Biceps: 1. Barbell Curl (45*10. 65*10, 75*8, 85*6, 85*6) 2. DB Curl (30*10, 40*8, 35*8)
Weekend Refeed Commentary:

The weekend refeed went in excess of what I had planned, by a margin of approximately 550 calories. Not a disaster, however not to plan. My plan for Tues-Fri of this week is to stick to the hardcore PSMF, and keep daily caloric intake around 1,000 or so. Tomorrow, as I am easing back into it, I may have a slightly higher caloric intake of around 1,200 calories or so. Stay tuned...

Saturday, February 21, 2009

PSMF-Style Refeed

Happy Saturday!
Today marks my 1st weekend with my PSMF style eating plan, and it will certainly be a challenge. Donuts, beers, pizza, and the other glorious items that I used to consume with reckless abandon are off limits until Prague. I'm sure that during the time I am in the Czech Republic, the worries of thier local economy will be long forgetten as there is a massive surge to their GDP from daily consumption of baked goods.

I had pondered a modification to the PSMF when I started, which I then abandoned. After further reexamination, I am now implementing this mod. In quick summary, I will be having a 1 day "refeed" today, and next Saturday of the 28th to reset leptin levels, and optimize my metabolic efficiency. As before, I ask you to follow my progress and withhold judgement, as I have done a fair amount of research on these topics, albeit without much of the corresponding action one might expect. In essence, I will simply up my calories for about 24 hours on each of these days (in regards to today, from 8am today to 10am tomorrow), however will keep my macronutrient ratios similar. In other words, my diet will still be clean, yet the food intake will simply be bit higher in the range of 2,000-2500 extra calories during each refeed. My carbs will be near zero, protein will be high, and EFA's will still be incorporated.

As stated previously, I will have my morning weigh-ins resume by Tuesday, and I am confident that I should be at 200.0 lbs or below by the time I board my plane to Prague. As consequence, I hope they refund me back some of my airfare as they charged me double the ticket price due to "aisle space restrictions." What's up with that dawg?


700AM- 8 Eggs whites + 2 Whole Eggs + 3 pp bacon w/Multivitamin + 2 Hydroxycut
800AM- 2 cups black coffee w/2 ounces of Half & Half
1200PM- 1 Large Chicken Leg w/Thigh (Whole Foods- Spice Marinade, no extra sugar)
300PM- Whey Protein Shake + 2 Hydroxycut
500PM- 1/2 Whey Protein Shake (Post Workout) + 1/2 can tuna
600PM- 1 Large Chicken Leg w/Thigh (Same as before)

Calories/Carbs/Protein: 2000/15g/210g

Calories were approximately 1,000 greater than a PSMF day, and I am aiming to be at about 1,500 total calories for tomorrow. The overall calorie excess (as per PSMF protocol) will be about 1,500-2,000 calories, depending on which range one strives for. I believe due to my higher body mass, that 1,000 is a better threshold, an updated view from when I first started.

Training @ 300pm:

Flat Dumbell Press: 55*10, 60*8, 70*6, 80*3
Incline Dumbell Press: 50*10, 55*8, 65*6
Military Press (Dumbells): 40*10, 45*10, 50*10
Lateral Raise (Dumbells): 3 sets of 10 w/15 lbs

Friday, February 20, 2009

PSMF Day 4

AM Weigh-In = 208.5 lbs


700AM- Whey Protein Shake w/2 Hydroxycut
900AM- 1 Medium Americano
1000AM- 1 Can Tuna w/1 Tablespoon Udo's Choice
1200PM- 2 Hydroxycut
100PM- 15 Egg Whites
700PM- Whey Protein Shake

Calories/Carbs/Protein: 1,000/8g/170g

Thursday, February 19, 2009

PSMF Day 3

AM Weigh-In = 209.5 lbs

Today's weigh-in relays a success. I have broken through the 210 lb resistance barrier. As to be expected, I have certain weight placeholders on my mental body recomp journey that I have associated with a strong feeling of success. Not ironically, they are at each 10 lb marker from 180lbs to all the levels of fatness I have acheived through carefully non-controlled fast food binges thoughout the years. In all seriousness, 210 lbs represents the 1st true resistance barrier from when I broke through many years ago, that caused a cascade into truly abhorrent eating habits and mindless weight gain, culminating into my heaviest weight of 242.5 lbs back in 2006.

As I hope to acheive 190.0 lbs (could be adjusted to 180-185 lbs depending on my body's reaction to my transformational catalysts), I look forward to sharing what each of these breakpoints mean, but only after I acheive them!

Despite the early am success of the scale reading, today was very difficult due to simple fatigue. Last night, due to a combination of too much Hydroxycut (I should have worked up to the normal dose) and late afternoon coffee, I did not fall asleep until after 2am. Waking up at 6am put me at a severe disadvantage, as it is when we are fatigued that we start to grow weary of our developing habits. I was hungry throughout the day, but did remain strong on my PSMF eating plan. I was having some stomach pain through the day (due to massive ingestion of coffee/espresso), so modded my plan a bit today to counteract the feeling. I realized that I had some Trader Joes "Just Chicken"(basically pre-cooked chicken breast) in my work fridge that I forgot about (which is ironic, as I never forget about food).

600AM- Whey Protein Shake w/2 Hydroxycut
900AM- 1 Large Cafe Americano (Water w/3 Shots Espresso = 0 Calories)
1000AM- 2 Hydroxycut
100PM- 7.5 oz "Just Chicken"
600PM- 7.5 oz "Just Chicken" + 1 Multi-Vitamin + 1 Tablespoon Udo's Choice

Calories/Carbs/Protein: 910g/5g/150g

In summary, my protein numbers are lacking, and I am hoping to compensate over the next few days by upping the daily grams to about 180 per day. In my opinion, the addition of more protein is a worthy modification despite the collateral effect of higher calories, as it should help to minimize the utlization of LBM for energy substrates during this hypo-caloric period.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

PSMF Day 2

Yesterday, I mentioned that the PSMF should get easier after the 1st day.... I was grossly incorrect. I am as hungry as I was yesterday, but I am also more irritable, annoyed, and having trouble about thinking about anything other than food. Although this could be said of me before the PSMF day(s), it seems even more intense today.

I am staying on course however, as the goal of 200.0 lbs by March 10th looms largely on the motion picture screen of my mind. This film is preceded though, by many previews of Krispy Kreme commercials, a Hot Pocket bit, and the occasional Burger King ad.

On Friday's post, I stated that I would be doing daily weigh-ins. I want to modify this statement to mean that I will do daily weigh-ins, WHEN I am at my apartment in San Anselmo (where I reside during the week due to work), as to keep the weighing consistent with my "Official" scale. As such, I will probably have weight updates approximately 4 times per week (usually Tuesday - Friday). I don't believe this small deviation will not have affect to my ultimate results, as I had already made the decision to not make any adjustments to my plan between now & Prague.

Today's Meals/Supplements:

600AM- Whey Protein Shake w/2 Hydroxycut
1000AM- 1 Cup Black Coffee w/2 Hydroxcut
1200PM- Whey Protein Shake w/1 Tbslpn Udo's Choice & 1 Multi-vitamin
200PM- 2 Hydroxycut
600PM- 8 Servings Egg Whites
900PM- Whey Protein Shake

Plan Deviations-
As I am still in the transition phase of becoming a fat-burner (ketogenic phase transition), I decided to end my day with a protein shake as opposed to the plan meal of a can of tuna. My stomach was simply not feeling the love for solid food, and I made an executive fat boy decision. In retrospect, it was probably a solid call as my protein grams for the day were already lower than target.

Calories/Carbs/Protein: 1,040/12g/175g

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

There is a New Transformer In Town: Hunger Maximus

Today marked day 1 of the PSMF.
My hunger throughout the day was pretty strong, and I definitely felt that I was going to cave more than a few (meaning 12) times. The motivation of my upcoming trip to Prague, and more prominently, my shirtless wedding, prompted me to stay the course and remain on track. As the 1st day is usually the toughest when starting new eating plans, I am confident that this pattern of eating will become easier over the days ahead. In addition, as this plan has a definite stop date (at the inception of my bp trip) in 3 weeks, the path is more treadable as the light at the end of the tunnel is present, albeit very far away. In advance, excuse my poor grammer as the keyboard is looking tasty and my hunger is overtaking me. I apologize to Anusha in advance in case she can't reach me due to my ingestion of my cell phone.

I did not violate any of the critical tenets of my PSMF plan, although I will be subsituting egg whites for chicken this week as a last minute change as I: (1) Did not prepare my chicken breasts last night as planned & (2) I have several containers of Egg Whites which will spoil if not used by week end. As a result, my protein will be slightly lower than target through Friday, and my calories will be slightly higher. These are modest changes, and in my opinion, should not alter my ultimate fat loss results. Today however, to get things started and maintain utmost simplicty & compliance, I had 3 Whey protein shakes (vs the targeted 2/daily) and only 1 solid meal (if you could even call it that!) . The only deviation I made (by accident) was the lack of inclusion of my daily multi-vitamin, as I forgot to take it before leaving work today.


600AM- Whey Protein Shake w/2 Hydroxycut (Calories = 240, Carbs = 4g)
1000AM- 1 Cup Black Coffee w/2 Hydroxycut
100PM- Whey Shake w/2 Hydroxycut & 1 Tblspn Udo's Choice (Calories = 360, Carbs = 4g)
530PM- 1 Can Tuna (Calories = 150, Carbs = 0g)
800PM- Whey Protein Shake w/1 Cup Broccoli (steamed) (Calories = 270, Carbs = 8g)

Calories/Carbs/Protein: 1,020/16g/157g

I was over my calories for the day by about 100-150. My carb value was about perfect, and my protein intake was about 25g lower than my target. Tomorrow is another day, and it shall be a better day. Hunger Maximus will be transforming into Lean-a-sor, and finally into Bengali Prime, come April.

Friday, February 13, 2009


Friday, 2/13/09 Morning Weigh-In = 212.0 lbs
Net Loss From Last Week = -1.0 lbs

I am encouraged by this progress from last Friday for several reasons. The primary reason is that I had an abhorrent cheat evening last Saturday where I drank till I looked Irish, ate poorly last Friday night for an amigo's birthday- having both pizza and several beers, and finally, having a half-day free for all this past Wednesday on my 32nd birthday. The other huge positive is that I made this difference on the problem scale, which means I probably truly dropped to 211.0 lbs on my primary scale, which I was unable to use this morning as I was staying over at my folks to leave early this morning to see the lady.

With approimately 3.5 weeks until my 1st deadline on Tuesday, March 10th, I have approximately 11lbs of fat that I wish to cut. As such, I am forced to take some pretty drastic and painful measures to burn off the requisite portion of fat via an eating plan called a PSMF.

I don't have the time or energy to detail the science of such a plan, however if emailed, I will happily email an ebook which outlines the plan in detail by a very intelligent and well learned nutritional researcher. This plan should, in about 19 days (From Tuesday, February 17th to Saturday, March 7th) be able to take my bodyweight down to approximatley 200 lbs or below, and burn about 10-12 lbs of body fat off during that time. I understand that there is a common conception that the MAXIMUM rate of fat loss is 2 lbs, which is a ridiculous statement on so many levels, however I do not wish to digress.I will cease the plan on Saturday of the 7th as I have a wedding reception to attend with the lady, and will cease the plan for approximately 24 hours, and will perform it for one more day until my Tuesday, March 10th weigh-in.

The plan is basically, to consume approximately 1,000 calories per day during my 19 day cycle, of which the macronutrient ratio will be approximately 80% protein, 15% fat, & 5% carbohydrate. There are no cheat days, and resistance training will be performed 3 times per week w/compound movements to preserve LBM. Minimal cardio will be performed with the exception of 3 LOW INTENSITY 1/2 hour sessions with each resistance training session as to minimize the flood of catabolic hormonal signals during this highly hypo-caloric period. In addition, weigh-ins will be performed DAILY as to stay on track, and initiate sufficient motivation to weather the daily hunger pangs and CPK temptation as I walk around during my lunch hour. Finally, I will be taking a thermogenic supplement (Hydroxycut) to facilitate fat loss, curb hunger, & deter the slowdown in metabolic rate. One addition to the PSMF is the allowance of a portion of non-starchy vegetables with each meal as non-caloric elements to facilitate digestion and adequate intake of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. I will allow these to my meals that do not involve a whey shake. In addition, a good multivitamin be consumed on a daily basis.

Daily Menu (Set in Stone During The Period)

Morning- Whey Protein Shake (Calories = 240, Protein = 44g).
Lunch @ 1pm- 1 Can of Tuna w/1 Tblspn UC Oil & Broccoli (Calories = 270, Protein = 35g)
Post Work @ 5pm- Whey Protein Shake (Calories = 240, Protein = 44g)
Dinner @ 8pm- 2 Chicken Breasts & Broccoli (Calories = 220, Protein = 60g)

Total Calories = 970
Total Protein = 183 grams

In the interim, between now & Tuesday, I will be eating moderate carb, and moderate cal. I will be training this weekend as well, although I will not post to my blog as this is the first time I've spent with the lady in 4 weeks, and I don't want to be making out with my laptop when I should be hanging with her at Baskin Rob, err... I mean Fresh Choice. For the day today (just to post my last bit before Tuesday), my meals were:

800AM- 4 Eggs W/5 Pieces of Nitrate-Free Bacon (Carbs = 0, Calories =700)
1230PM- Whey Protein Shake (Carbs = 4g, Calories = 240)
300PM- Protein Bar (Calories = 300)
600PM- Lamb Curry (Calories = 400)

Total Daily Calories = 1,650

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Good Start

The week has started out strong, including a successful day of intermittent fasting yesterday, followed by a strong workout and adherence to the outlined nutritional protocol today.

Monday, 2/09/09'

  • Performed Intermittent Fasting until 8pm, drinking only a few cups of black coffee and green tea, along with many cups of water to keep myself hydrated and to stave off hunger during they day.
  • I broke my fast at approimately 830 pm by consuming 1 small chicken ceasar salad w/o croutons, and 3 Whole Foods ground beef patties for dinner.

Total Calories = 1,500 & Total Carbohydrates = Approximatley 15 grams

Tuesday, 2/10/09'


1230pm- 1lb of Meatloaf w/1.5 Tablespoons Udo's Choice (TC = 1,200, Carbs = 20g)

Post Workout @ 730pm- 1 Met-Rx w/1.5 Tblspn UC (TC = 440, Carbs = 19g)

930pm- 2 ground beef burger patties (TC = 580, Carbs = 1g)

Total Calories = 2,220 & Total Carbohydrates = 40g

The total carbs were on the high side, but as the majority of them were post workout in the Met-Rx shake, this helps to minimize the insuligenic effects to store bodyfat.

Resistance Training @ 600pm


Bench Press: 135*10, 155*6, 165*5, 185 *3 (1 assisted)

Incline Dumbell Press: 50*10, 55*8, 60*6, 65*6


Triceps Push Down: 3 sets of 240*8

Cable Push-Down (Straight Bar): 2 set of 90*10

Friday, February 6, 2009

Complacent Combustion

Friday, 2/06/09

Morning Weight= 213.0 lbs
Net Change From Previous Week= 0.0 lbs

Bengali Prime has had a bad week. It happens to all us, even to those in possession of the matrix. Even with the substantial amount of gym time this week, I had no scale change in weight. Although I do believe I may have put on a bit of upper body muscle mass, as evidenced by increased strength in the gym, that does not offset the failure to remove the requisite amount of body fat I had originally targeted. With failure however, comes the opportunity to learn, improve, and adjust accordingly.

As such, in order to reach my goal weight of 200.00 lbs by March 10th, 2009 (approximately 4 1/2 weeks away), the following modifications are to be made-

1. 3 Meals Per Day (Only 1/2 lb meat per serving or 6 eggs)
2. No greater than 10 grams of carbohydrates daily
3. 1 serving of whey protein immediately after resistance training, & another 2-3 hours after.
4. Incorporation of Intermittent Fasting 2 days this upcoming week.
5. NO ALMONDS OR NUTS OF ANY KIND!!! (Perhaps the most important)

This plan will be followed until next Friday, and its effectiveness evaluated therein. Today, I had chosen to have a free day. I am not going to become a train wreak diet wise, but I have chosen to be flexible and indulge in some long forgotten treats; These have included a morning Pete's Coffee Mocha & a chicken burrito for lunch.

Stay tuned, Bengali Prime shall bounce back Stronger.... & LEANER...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Good Progress

730 am- 6 Eggs w/1.5 Tblspn Olive Oil (Calories = 600, Carbs = 3g)
1100am- 48 Almonds (Calories = 300, Carbs = 5g)
100pm- Baked Chicken W/Broccoli & 1.5 Tablespoons Udo's Choice
(Calories = 500, Carbs = 10g)
300pm- 30 Almonds (Calories = 200, Carbs = 3g)
530pm- Baked Chicken W/Broccoli (Calories = 375, Carbs = 10g)
730pm- 5 Servings of Egg Whites (125 Calories, Carbs = 0g)
Total Calories = 2,100 calories
Total Carbohydrates = 31 grams

I attended the Mt. Tam Racquet Club in Larkspur with my boy Maximum Kernage to do a little cardio and resistance training. Come Friday, I am planning to make some major changes to my nutrition and training program so stay tuned.

30 Minutes of Elliptical= 375 Calories Expended
Resistance Training-
Bench Press
135*10, 155*5, 165*5, 185*2 (1 rep completed/1 rep assisted)
Dumbell Curls
20*10, 25*10, 40*8

A short resistance training workout, but will be revamped and re-evaluated after this Friday's weigh-in.


Although the stock market has been rather abhorrent as of late, there was an surge in the price of Blue Diamond Stock- a certain investor named Bengali Prime consumed approximately 700 calories of smoked almonds within a 4 hour time period. There are no more almonds within a 1 hour flight of the Bay Area, and local chipmunks have no food left for the winter. In addition, I had some serious cravings and visited the local J-Box for a low carb meal after my cardio session. As such, my calories were about 30% higher than Target. I am going to combat this deviation by doing an intermittent fast from Wednesday evening to Thursday night.

1000am: 80 Almonds = 500 Calories
1230pm: Baked Chicken w/Broccoli & 2 Tablespoons Udo's Choice = 650 Calories
200pm: 30 Almonds = 200 Calories
530pm: Small spinach salad + Baked Chicken w/Broccoli = 650 Calories
1000pm: 2 Bunless Jumbo Jacks W/Cheese + 1 Side Salad W/Ranch = 1,200 Calories

Total Calories = 3,200 Calories

1/2 Hour Medium Intensity Cardio Session
Approximately 4.0 mile pace @ 2.0 incline = 300 Calories Expended

Tuesday was a relative failure in terms of my progression. I should have incorporated a resistance training session (but was rather lazy) & really indulged on the quantity of food that I consumed. The rest of the week shall be better, if I hope to remain Bengali-bot numero uno.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Steady State Prime

Monday, 2/02/09

My intention for the day was to fast until dinner, which is a slight modification to my ZTP plan.
This incorporation of Intermittent Fasting is something that I've recently considered (this past weekend sometime during the Transformers 2 Superbowl Spot) from some further ponderings.
I only lasted until lunch however, and succumbed to some incessant hunger pangs. Not bad for the first day of attempted fasting, considering that in my previously rotund life, I would consider fasting if there were a moment greater than 4 seconds between bites of sandwich #'s 3 & 4.

100pm- 6 oz. Baked Chicken w/Broccoli & 2 Tbspns Udo's Choice ( Cal = 600)
700pm- 8oz Rib Eye Steak (Calories = 500)
1000pm- Post Gym Met-Rx Workout Shake (Calories = 250)
Total Daily Carbohydrates = 25 grams, Total Daily Calories = 1,350

At 830pm, I went to the gym to do a relatively painless low-intensity cardio session- I walked 2.0 miles on the treadmill at about 4.0mph at varying inclines. This session burned approximately 200 calories, and rounded the day in a productive fashion.

In retrospect, as this wasn't truly a fast day, I did go quite low on the calories. This is a top of mind consideration to optimize the ratio between fat loss and muscle retention.

Sunday, February 1, 2009

The Battle Is Coming

Fedor vs Arlovski, GSP vs Penn, Snake Eyes vs Storm Shadow....

Prime vs The Fallen

The battle is coming, and I have to prime myself to become The Prime.

This morning, I awoke to 2 cups of black coffee at the local Panera, and followed this by a 930AM whey protein shake.

I've just returned from the gym, and did a 45 minute Eliptical workout, burning approximately 600 calories. I followed this workout with a cup of coffee (Note to Self: Too many cups today) and a post workout whey protein shake.

My last meal will consist of several cuts of fatty meat at my buddy's Partha's house for his annual Super Bowl party- This will likely consist of a pound of ribeye, 2 beef burgers (w/o bun), and perhaps a pork chop or a few pieces of chicken.

The total caloric load from the SB party will be in the range of 2,000 to 2,500 calories, culminating my total to between 2500 - 3000 calories. An indulgence, however pretty tame considering I will have less than 20g of carbs for the day, no booze, and will still have incorporated a full cardio workout.

Last night, I went to a UFC party at my boy Laser's place, and abstained from any snacks or booze. I did bring a salad I constructed from Whole Foods (About 800 Calories), keeping my daily caloric total to about 1,500 calories, a bit on the lower side to compensate from the previous day's carb load.

Preparation for THE FALLEN is commencing according to plan...