Friday, 2/13/09 Morning Weigh-In = 212.0 lbs
Net Loss From Last Week = -1.0 lbs
I am encouraged by this progress from last Friday for several reasons. The primary reason is that I had an abhorrent cheat evening last Saturday where I drank till I looked Irish, ate poorly last Friday night for an amigo's birthday- having both pizza and several beers, and finally, having a half-day free for all this past Wednesday on my 32nd birthday. The other huge positive is that I made this difference on the problem scale, which means I probably truly dropped to 211.0 lbs on my primary scale, which I was unable to use this morning as I was staying over at my folks to leave early this morning to see the lady.
With approimately 3.5 weeks until my 1st deadline on Tuesday, March 10th, I have approximately 11lbs of fat that I wish to cut. As such, I am forced to take some pretty drastic and painful measures to burn off the requisite portion of fat via an eating plan called a
I don't have the time or energy to detail the science of such a plan, however if emailed, I will happily email an ebook which outlines the plan in detail by a very intelligent and well learned nutritional researcher. This plan should, in about 19 days (From Tuesday, February 17th to Saturday, March 7th) be able to take my bodyweight down to approximatley 200 lbs or below, and burn about 10-12 lbs of body fat off during that time. I understand that there is a common conception that the MAXIMUM rate of fat loss is 2 lbs, which is a ridiculous statement on so many levels, however I do not wish to digress.I will cease the plan on Saturday of the 7th as I have a wedding reception to attend with the lady, and will cease the plan for approximately 24 hours, and will perform it for one more day until my Tuesday, March 10th weigh-in.
The plan is basically, to consume approximately 1,000 calories per day during my 19 day cycle, of which the macronutrient ratio will be approximately 80% protein, 15% fat, & 5% carbohydrate. There are no cheat days, and resistance training will be performed 3 times per week w/compound movements to preserve LBM. Minimal cardio will be performed with the exception of 3 LOW INTENSITY 1/2 hour sessions with each resistance training session as to minimize the flood of catabolic hormonal signals during this highly hypo-caloric period. In addition, weigh-ins will be performed DAILY as to stay on track, and initiate sufficient motivation to weather the daily hunger pangs and CPK temptation as I walk around during my lunch hour. Finally, I will be taking a thermogenic supplement (Hydroxycut) to facilitate fat loss, curb hunger, & deter the slowdown in metabolic rate. One addition to the PSMF is the allowance of a portion of non-starchy vegetables with each meal as non-caloric elements to facilitate digestion and adequate intake of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. I will allow these to my meals that do not involve a whey shake. In addition, a good multivitamin be consumed on a daily basis.
Daily Menu (Set in Stone During The Period)
Morning- Whey Protein Shake (Calories = 240, Protein = 44g).
Lunch @ 1pm- 1 Can of Tuna w/1 Tblspn UC Oil & Broccoli (Calories = 270, Protein = 35g)
Post Work @ 5pm- Whey Protein Shake (Calories = 240, Protein = 44g)
Dinner @ 8pm- 2 Chicken Breasts & Broccoli (Calories = 220, Protein = 60g)
Total Calories = 970
Total Protein = 183 grams
In the interim, between now & Tuesday, I will be eating moderate carb, and moderate cal. I will be training this weekend as well, although I will not post to my blog as this is the first time I've spent with the lady in 4 weeks, and I don't want to be making out with my laptop when I should be hanging with her at Baskin Rob, err... I mean Fresh Choice. For the day today (just to post my last bit before Tuesday), my meals were:
800AM- 4 Eggs W/5 Pieces of Nitrate-Free Bacon (Carbs = 0, Calories =700)
1230PM- Whey Protein Shake (Carbs = 4g, Calories = 240)
300PM- Protein Bar (Calories = 300)
600PM- Lamb Curry (Calories = 400)
Total Daily Calories = 1,650