Thursday, June 9, 2011

Feed The Fat Day

As today is not a training day, as per my "Lean Gains" protocol, I shall be eating at less than maintenance in the range of 500 - 1000 calories. I estimate my daily maintenance calories at approximately 2,500 per day. As such, I will strive to eat between 1,500 - 2,000. I am currently on campus, and just broke my 18 hour fast (630pm - 1230pm next day) with 2 Carl's Junior Turkey Burgers. Although I am not low carb on my off days per se, I will strive to keep my carbs under 100 grams. This will ensure a lower level of insulin, whilst keeping me out of ketosis (my lower limit is 50 grams).
Meal 1 @ 1230PM
2 Carls Junior Turkey Burgers (Cal = 1,000, Carbs = 90g , Pro = 60g)
As I am close to my 100g CHO daily limit, I will likely have a salad for dinner with a lot of meat/eggs, while trying to keep caloric load at a reasonable 600-700 calories. Finally, I will join my buddy for a drink, and will stick to 1 straight spirit drink with no mixer. I shall update this blog in the morning regardless as to what I ate exactly.

500pm Update

For dinner, I held strong and made a salad from the UCLA Dining Cafeteria- It has several ounces of chicken, tuna, and also has a side of cottage cheese and some chopped ham. I guess-timate that this salad has about 600-700 calories at most. Pasted below is the photo from my I-Phone.

Salad (Cal - 650, Protein = 40 grams)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Pushing Through the Plateau

Morning Weigh-In = 214.2 lbs
After many days of weigh-ins, I have finally broken through the barrier. In fact, I have pushed through significantly, and almost made it down to 214. As today is a training day, I will eat a higher carb diet, at least initially post workout. In addition, my calories will be on higher range like yesterday.
Training Session (Shoulders/Triceps/Biceps)
Barbell Shoulder Press (Sitting)
135*5, 135*5, 145*5, 155*3 (Increase in 1 rep at 155 lbs from previous shoulder workout)
Close Grip Bench Press
135*5, 155*5
Hammer Strength Dip Machine
180*8, 230*8, 260*6, 280*6 (Up 10 lbs from last workout in last set for same rep number)
Alternate Dumbbell Curl (Sitting)
25*8, 30*8, 35*8, 40*8, 45*4

PWO Lean Gains Meal @ 1200pm:
1 Trader Joes BBQ Chicken Pizza (Cal = 1000
Protein Shake & 6 Fish Oil Caps (200)
Total Meal Cals/Protein = 1,200/90 grams
Non-fat Cottage Cheese with Strawberries (Cal = 350, Protein = 55 grams)
Meal 3 @ 600pm
1 12oz TJ Ribeye Steak & Side of Brussell Sprouts & Okra (Cal = 1,350, Protein = 65 grams)
Side of Anusha's Famous Mac & Cheese (Cal = 300)
Total Calories = 3,200 (Protein = 210 grams)

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Deficit Day

Morning Weigh-In = 215.6 lbs
I will be following an IF style diet from here on out, where I will be cycling my macronutrients and calories on training and non-training days. I will elaborate on this protocol much further in about a week or two after my final examinations. Calories on training days will approximate 2500 - 3000, and calories on non-training days will be 1800 - 2200. I realize that this is a rather large range, but I will narrow it to a much narrower band once I find out which levels work best to optimize fat loss and strength gains.
Pre-Workout Meal @ 1100am- 1 Scoop Protein Powder (Cal = 150, Protein = 25g)
Training @ Noon (Chest)
Hammer Strength Incline Press
2 set of 180*6
Bench Press
155*5, 165*5, 175*4
Post-Workout Meal @ 100pm
1 Bowl Cereal w/nonfat milk (Cal = 250)
1 Bagel w/cream cheese, onions, avocado, and 1 SB egg (Cal = 500)
PWO Protein Shake w/5 Fish Oil Caps (Cal = 330)
7 oz. pork chops marinated with brown sugar (Cal = 320)
1 Serving Ice Cream (Cal = 350)
Total Meal Calories = 1,700 (1,850 thus far)
Final Meal @ 600pm
1 10 Oz TJ Ribeye Steak & Side of Brussell Sprouts (Cal = 1150)
Total Calories = 3,000

Monday, June 6, 2011

Another Day On The Lean Train

Meal 1 @ 800am- 2 pieces CPK Chipotle Chicken Pizza (Left-overs) & 1 Bowl Raisen Oats (Cal = 650)
Meal 2 @ 1100am- Panera Thai Chicken Salad & Apple (Cal = 500)
Meal 3 @ 100pm- Side of Veggies (Okra, Cal - 150)
Throughout Day- Coffee w/Milk (Cal - 150)
Meal 4 @ 700pm- Panera Cobb Salad & Apple (Cal = 550)
Meal 5 @ 1000pm- 3 Small TJ Pork Chops & Side of Brussell Sprouts (Cal = 400)
Total Calories = 2,400

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Saturday Night Fever = Saturday Night Failure

Alas, last night did not go as planned. Although I held strong until the evening, I went a bit off the rails and had several beers, a few glasses of wine, some ice cream, etc. Although not a TOTAL disaster, I still had upwards of 3,800 calories yesterday (guesstimate). I admit my mistake, and will push forward! Today, Anusha & I had planned a date night. Our favorite restaurant in town was closed, so we had to go the 2nd best place- Sadly, it is CPK! I ate very light before dinner, and enjoyed myself quite liberally with Anusha in the evening-

Meal 1 @ 100pm-
1 Eating Right Beef w/Veggies (240 Cal) + 1 Can Tuna (100 Cal) + 1 Scoop Protein Powder (160 Cal) = 500 Cal
700pm Dinner @ CPK
2/3 Chicken Chipotle Pizza (800 Cal)
2/3 Spinach Artichoke Dip (600)
1 Pint Sam Adams (250)
1/2 Tiramisu (350)
Total CPK Dinner Calories = 2,000
Total Daily Caloric Amount = 2,500
Although I was higher than I wanted (initial goal = 2000 for day), I wasn't much above maintenance and I'm happy that I maintained a semblance of self-control at dinner. In the past, I definitely would have opted for several slices of bread with butter, and probably an additional beer. By even these minor abstentions, I was able to cut down close to 1,000 calories from normal. My plan for tomorrow is to train early in the morning, and keep my daily caloric target equal to about 2,000 calories.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

Saturday Night Fever

Morning Weigh-In = 215.8 lbs
Today, I plan on eating o2 small meals before dinnertime.
Meal 1 @ Approx 11am- Nonfat Cottage Cheese w/Fish Oil Caplets (Cal = 350, Pro = 56g)
Meal 2 @ Approx 230pm- 2 cans Tuna (Cal = 300, Pro = 50g)
In addition, I plan to have some coffee throughout the day with a bit of cream (Cal = 50). In the evening, I will be attending Anusha's annual end of year party with her fellow residents, where there is an open bar, appeteizers galore, and the distinct possibility of ad libitum eating... I plan to stick to spirits (Think Scotch on Ice) and in doing so, plan to limit myself to 4 or 5 shots (Max Cal = 500). In addition, I plan to refrain from any appetizers or bread during my meal, and will only eat the steak
that I ordered plus side salad. If I deviate from this, it will be noted in my log entry tomorrow. This is in sharp contrast to last year's party, in which I imbibed over 1,000 calories from booze, along with eating everything in site, include the hotel valet.
Evening Caloric Estimation: Booze (500) + Salad (100) + Steak (700)
Total Daily Caloric Estimation: 2,000

Friday, June 3, 2011

Fit Fridays

Morning Weigh In = 215.2 lbs
Meal 1 @ 900AM- Turkey Chili (Cal = 500, Pro = 40g)
Meal 2 @ 1200PM- Eating Right BBQ Pizza (Cal = 350, Pro = 20g)
PWO Shake @ 200pm- Protein Shake (Cal = 350, Pro = 30g)
500 Snack- 1 Brownie (Cal = 350)
Meal 3 @ 700pm- Cauliflower Curry & Chicken Salad (Cal = 700, Protein = 40g)
Total calories = 2,250 (Pro = 130g)

Training Session (Legs/Calves)
I did a very abbreviated leg workout today- Partly because I rarely train legs (although I have recently committed to a regular routine) and wanted to mediate postworkout muscle soreness. In addition, as I am inherently lazy when training legs, I know that I can get away with less as it is a "new" bodypart, and will potentially grow and become much stronger early on as it has had very little training in the past.
3 sets of 5*135
Single Leg Press (Leg Press Sled, but using each leg independently- This minimized lower back strain and rounding of the back)
2 Sets of 180*5
Sitting Calf Raise
3 sets of 5*50

Thursday, June 2, 2011

A Little This, A Little That

Morning Weight = 216.0 lbs
Meal 1 @ 700am: 5SB Eggs (Cal = 400, Pro = 30g)
Meal 2 @ 1030am: PWO Shake (Cal = 300, Pro = 30g)
Meal 3 @ 100pm: Nonfat Cottage Cheese w/fruit (Cal = 400, Pro = 56g)
Meal 4 @ 430pm: 2 Cans Tuna (Cal = 300, Pro = 60g)
Meal 5 @ 800pm: Chicken Salad with walnuts (few) & 1/4 Avocado (Cal = 550, Pro = 34)
Meal 6 @ 1200am (Post Training): Eating Right Chicken Stir Fry Meal (Cal = 250, Pro = 20g)
Total Calories = 2,200 (Pro = 230g)

Training Session (Chest/Shoulders/Triceps):
Smith Machine Barbell Bench Press
2 Sets of 135*8 (Warm-Up), 185*5, 205*3, 215*2.5 (Failed on 3rd rep halfway up)
Flat Dumbbell Press (3x)
60*10, 30 sec rest, 60*10, 30 sec rest, 60*7 (To Failure)
Barbell Shoulder Press
2 Sets of 135*5
Close Grip (Triangle) Triceps Push-Down (4x)
60*10, 30 sec rest, 60*10, 30 sec rest, 60*10, 60*7 (To Failure)
Hammer Strength Dip Machine (4x)
As you can see, any exercise label #x simply denotes the same weight that I will do for that many # of sets, with a 30 sec rest in between sets. I will increase the weight the following workout when I can complete all sets to 10 reps...
180*10 (First 3 sets), 4th set to failure @ 7 reps

Traing Session #2 (Ancillary Sets To Am Workout)
Barbell Bench Press
155*5, 175*2, 155*6
Barbell Shoulder Press
95*10, 30 sec rest, 95*5, 30 sec rest, 95*5
Evidently, I was clearly fatigued from this morning's workout. In hindsight, I probably should have skipped the evening session!

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Staying on Track

Morning Weight = 215.6 lbs
No Training Session Today

Food Log
Meal 1 @ 900AM: Protein Shake (Cal = 500, Protein = 48g)
Meal 2 @ 1200PM: Cottage Cheese w/fruit (strawberries) (Cal = 400, Protein = 56g)
Meal 3 @ 400PM: Cliff Bar & Protein shake (Cal = 450, Pro = 36g)
Meal 4 @ 630PM: 1/2 Order of Chilaquiles (Cal = 500, Pro = 20g)
Snack @ 800PM: 2 SB Eggs (Cal = 150, Pro = 15g)
Total Calories = 2,000 (Protein = 175g)