Friday, March 27, 2009

Fitter Friday

Morning Weigh-In = 202.0 lbs

Thursday, March 26, 2009

3lbs to 2-Hundy

Morning Weigh-In = 203.0 lbs

Meal 1 @ 1030AM: 1 Scoop Nitrean Protein Powder w/1 Tablespoon Udo's Choice
Meal 2 @ 100PM: 2 Scoops Nitrean Protein Powder
Meal 3 @ 400PM: 2 Scoops Nitrean Protein Powder
Snack @ 500PM: 10 Almonds
Meal 4 @ 900 PM: 2 Scoops Nitrean Protein Powder

Calories/Carbs/Protein: 960/16g/170g

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Building Momentum

Morning Weigh-In = 203.5 lbs

Meal 1 @ 6AM: 4 Eggs W/Bacon
Meal 2 @ 1000AM: 1 Scoop Nitrean Protein Powder
1 Non Fat Large Latte
Meal 3 @ 1ooPM: 2.5 Chicken Breasts W/1 Multi-Vitamin
Meal 4 @ 530PM: 2 Scoops Nitrean Protein Powder

Calories/Carbs/Protein: 1,250/34g/170g

Monday, March 23, 2009

How Sweet It Is- Not!

Morning Weigh-In = 204.0 lbs

It is Hard Core D1 back to a modified PSMF style eating plan, at least for the next 5 days, and I am missing the sugar fo' sure.

6AM: Meal 1- 2.5 Scoops Nitrean Protein Powder
10AM: Meal 2- 1 Scoop Nitrean Protein Powder
1PM: Meal 3- 2 Chicken Breasts w/1 Tablespoon Udo's Choice + 1 Multi-Vitamin
530PM: Meal 4- 2 Scoops Nitrean Protein Powder
900PM: Meal 5- 1 Scoop Nitrean Protein Powder

Calories/Carbs/Protein: 1,050/17g/196g

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Bengali Prime- Back on Da' Train

Morning Weigh-In = 206.0 lbs
From today, after a relatively harmless 2 week deviation from Plan, due to Prague, illness, and all other things under the sun, I am back on plan. Being off for 2 weeks, I say "harmless" due to the fact that I didn't gain back 5 pounds of more, allowing myself to be somewhat pleased by not being a total train wreak after today's weigh-in.

My goal by Friday, April 17th, is to be 190.0 lbs, allowing myself a weekly rate of fat loss of about 4lbs/week, which is very doable, provided I stay to plan. I am going to keep it simple this week until Saturday, at which point I will formulate a hard plan. My parameters for the next 6 days, including today is: (1) Keep Calories at a range of 1,000-1,200/day (2) Protein No Lower Than 150g/day (3) 1 Tablespoon of EFA's/day. As I will be in the painstaking process of moving out this week, I will try to incorporate resistance training workouts, if time allows.

I will have a much more detailed blog posting this upcoming Saturday, but will be posting my meals daily, and weigh-ins when available. I will be moving residences from San Anselmo to Sausalito during the week, and all my items including weight scale will be in boxes.


Saturday, March 7, 2009


Morning Weigh-IN = 205.5 lbs

This last week has been abysmal. I will quickly summarize my plan in a few sentences, without detailed elaboration. Saturday & Sunday were very poor diet-wise, not to mention that I went out with friends on Saturday night and drank pretty heavily. I did not visit the gym during the past weekend or this week as well. The only exception to resistance training was a Perfect Push-Up workout on Monday night of about 200 total reps in 10 sets. The effects were good however, as I am still (albeit slightly) sore. The diet during the week was hit and miss (Like I said, BP is not elaborating).

I speculate that the .5 lb weight gain from last Friday however, is pretty much water, as my calories for the week span was at about maintenance intake, or a bit below. Non-withstanding, a gain of .5 pounds after consuming a moderate amount of carbohydrates (which I did) after a long phase of carbohydrate restriction is a VERY small rebound. Basically, I set myself back a week by staying stagnant from last Friday. I take solace in knowing that set backs occur, and that it could have been MUCH worse. From today, I have resumed my eating plan, and will be clean today and Monday. Sunday will be somewhat taxing as I have a morning wedding, and evening reception during which I plan to imbibe a few cocktails with the lady (perhaps a scotch w/some smoke nuts- ha ha). I will attempt to mitigate Sunday’s eating/drinking excursion by practicing moderation.

I also plan to attend the gym this upcoming Monday and Tuesday before my trip- And although I will not be eating PSMF style on my 2 clean eating days, I will be eating relatively low calorie & low carb. Tuesday, 3/10/09 Goal = 204.0 lbs (+4 lbs from original target, due to set-back) I still plan to hit 190.0 lbs by D Day on April 18th, although this past week’s chivalries will make adherence to plan that much more critical when I return from Prague .